Lots of reasons!
We sequence each sample with Oxford Nanopore long reads to very high depth before generating a consensus/assembly using the latest basecalling and polishing software:
Plasmid and circular samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers or amplification. Please do not ship any primers with your samples or mix primers into your samples.
In the vast majority of cases, we deliver plasmid sequencing results within one business day of receipt of your samples.
This service is intended for a clonal population of molecules. You can send mixtures of molecular species, but since we can't predict the analysis outcome, it's at your own risk.
Ultimately, which species ends up producing a consensus will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each species.
Sequencing is considered successful if the pipeline is able to generate any consensus, even if it is not your target. Re-sequencing mixtures won't change the relative proportions of the species (and thus which species generates a consensus), but you can submit multiple aliquots if you need higher overall coverage.
If you'd like to sequence a known mixture (e.g. barcode or variant libraries), please consider submitting instead to our Custom Sequencing Service.
As per Oxford Nanopore's specs for the chemistry and flowcells we currently use for plasmid sequencing, the consensus accuracy is typically >99.99%.
The most common error modes for Oxford Nanopore are deletions in homopolymer stretches (especially if longer than 8 bp), errors at the Dam methylation site GATC, and errors at the middle position of the Dcm methylation site CCTGG or CCAGG. These limitations are expected to improve with future updates to ONT sequencing chemistry and basecalling software.
We do not guarantee any specific level of coverage, as the number of raw reads generated can vary substantially depending on sample quality.
Successful samples sent at the required concentration typically yield in the high dozens to hundreds (or thousands!) of raw sequencing reads.
Average coverage is reported in the SAMPLE_summary.tsv file. Coverage over ~20x indicates a very accurate consensus.
Our ability to deliver these target outputs is directly dependent on the quantity, quality, and purity of the linear/PCR DNA sent to us, so we do not guarantee results. If we are not able to generate a consensus sequence from your sample, our failure policy applies.
The histogram displays the lengths of the raw reads produced by your sample, with read length (bp) on the x-axis and thousands of bases of data collected (kb) at that length on the y-axis. The histogram is therefore weighted by amount of sequencing data produced by different sizes of molecules; for example, two DNA fragments of different lengths that produce the same number of reads will produce different amounts of total data.
The x-axis is automatically scaled to the maximum read length produced by your sample. Before sequencing your plasmids, we linearize them so that we get mostly full-length sequence reads. As a result, the lengths of the raw sequencing reads reflect the lengths of the molecular species in your sample.
Additionally, the histogram color key indicates what fraction of the raw data maps to the consensus sequence:
The data from a raw read is colored as... | If... |
Dark blue (ASSEMBLY read) | Raw read aligns to the consensus/assembly sequence |
Orange (E. COLI read) | Raw read aligns to the E. coli genome |
Light blue (UNMAPPED read) | Raw read does not align to any of these categories (Could be sequencing noise, a genome other than E. coli, a lower abundance plasmid species that does not generate a consensus, etc.) |
Ideally, your target plasmid will be the only species in the sample, and we will see one dominant peak in the read length histogram:
(Please note that even a single apparent peak MAY contain multiple plasmids of the same size, or multiple plasmids of different lengths that happen fall into the same histogram bin. Sequences that are very similar are assumed by the analysis pipeline to be variations of a single species and it will attempt to make a single consensus (with potentially low confidence positions reported); if the sequences are very distinct, it will only produce a consensus for the most abundant species.)
If your raw reads contain varying numbers of indels (common for noisy raw reads), this may sometimes cause the read lengths to straddle a bin boundary and artifactually create an appearance of two separate peaks:
(Please note that a peak straddling a bin boundary MAY contain multiple plasmids of the same size, or multiple plasmids of different lengths that happen fall into two adjacent histogram bins. Sequences that are very similar are assumed by the analysis pipeline to be variations of a single species and it will attempt to make a single consensus (with potentially low confidence positions reported); if the sequences are very distinct, it will only produce a consensus for the most abundant species.)
More often than you would expect, though, we see multiple peaks corresponding to multiple plasmids, or a peak of a different size than the customer expected:
If you sample contains a mixture, we will return only a single consensus for the molecular species that produces the largest amount of total sequencing data. If you’d like us try generating a consensus for an alternate peak instead, you can email us at support@plasmidsaurus.com to inquire.
Occasionally we see a sample with a dominant peak in addition to an abundance of degraded DNA (genomic and/or plasmid). In some cases the dominant peak may still produce a consensus, if read coverage and accuracy are sufficient:
Sometimes we see a decent number of reads for the sample but there is NO dominant peak, indicating an abundance of degraded DNA (genomic and/or plasmid) from a poor plasmid prep, or that the strain contains no plasmids:
Often, the read count is too low to distinguish any peaks or to generate any consensus:
We see concatemers like this all the time -- they are not a sequencing artifact. Sanger sequencing can't detect them and you won't see them on gel of your digested/linearized plasmid, so you're not used to seeing them, but they turn out to be very common. If you run your sample uncut on a gel with a supercoiled ladder, you will see the concatemer band.
They often seem to be formed in vivo during growth in a RecA+ strain (such as NEB Turbo cells), and are more common when plasmids have large repetitive regions or other complex structures. Even plasmid manufacturers like Addgene observe that concatemers occur frequently, and that only the long-read sequencing technologies like the one we use here Plasmidsaurus (that is, Oxford Nanopore Technologies) can detect them!
Please note that concatemer forms such as dimers, trimers, etc. are not considered different molecular species by the pipeline, so you will only receive the monomer consensus sequence by default, even if other concatemer forms produced more sequencing data.
The .ab1 format has widespread use in Sanger sequencing and normally indicates the intensity of fluorescent nucleotides (A, T, G, C) at each position of the consensus. Since fluorescence is not employed in the Oxford Nanopore Sequencing technology that we use here at Plasmidsaurus, we generate this .ab1 file synthetically using the relative abundance of each nucleotide (A, T, G, C) from the raw reads at each position of the consensus sequence. Because this file type was originally used for Sanger sequencing (which is limited to much shorter read lengths than we get with Oxford Nanopore), the file has a maximum size limit and therefore we must often report sequences in multiple pieces.
This file gives a visual representation of polymorphisms and molecular mixtures present in the sample, and putative insertions can be observed more clearly. An ideal high accuracy basecall will have a sharp, distinct peak of a single color indicating a single nucleotide, whereas a low accuracy basecall will have a less defined or mixed (overlapping) peaks.
For plasmids, "failure" means that your sample did not produce data of sufficient quality and quantity for the pipeline to generate a consensus sequence.
Our low sequencing prices and fast turnaround times do not include extensive QC to determine why your plasmid samples failed (or had low coverage). Although we do not provide definitive reasons for failure, by far the most common reasons are:
To achieve optimal sequencing results, please follow our recommended plasmid sample prep instructions, ZeroPrep cell prep instructions, or RCA sample prep instructions
It is relatively rare that we cannot return a consensus sequence, but some rate of failure is unavoidable. You are welcome to submit a rerun request for any failed plasmid samples through your Order Info page (please note that ZeroPrep and RCA Sequencing Services are NOT eligible for reruns). We will evaluate whether your plasmid sample quality and quantity permits rerunning your sample (we may also ask you to provide a reference sequence). We do still charge for failed samples.
We sequence each sample with Oxford Nanopore long reads to very high depth before generating a consensus/assembly using the latest basecalling and polishing software:
Linear/PCR samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers or amplification.Please do not ship any primers with your samples or mix primers into your samples.
In the vast majority of cases, we deliver linear/PCR sequencing results within one business day of receipt of your samples.
This service is intended for a clonal population of molecules. You can send mixtures of molecular species, but since we can't predict the analysis outcome, it's at your own risk.
Ultimately, which species ends up producing a consensus will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each species.
Sequencing is considered successful if the pipeline is able to generate any consensus, even if it is not your target. Re-sequencing mixtures won't change the relative proportions of the species (and thus which species generates a consensus), but you can submit multiple aliquots if you need higher overall coverage.
If you'd like to sequence a known mixture (e.g. barcode or variant libraries), please consider submitting instead to our Custom Sequencing Service or Premium PCR Service.
As per Oxford Nanopore’s specs for the chemistry and flowcells we currently use for linear/PCR sequencing, the consensus accuracy is typically >99.99%.
Depending on the sequence of your sample, the assembler does sometimes have difficulty reconstructing the terminal ends of linear DNA, which may result in up to ~25 nucleotides missing from the 3’ and/or 5’ ends of your insert.
The most common error modes for Oxford Nanopore are deletions in homopolymer stretches (especially if longer than 8 bp), errors at the Dam methylation site GATC, and errors at the middle position of the Dcm methylation site CCTGG or CCAGG. These limitations are expected to improve with future updates to ONT sequencing chemistry and basecalling software.
We do not guarantee any specific level of coverage, as the number of raw reads generated can vary substantially depending on sample quality.
Successful samples sent at the required concentration typically yield in the high dozens to hundreds (or thousands!) of raw sequencing reads.
Coverage over ~20x indicates a very accurate consensus.
The .ab1 format has widespread use in Sanger sequencing and normally indicates the intensity of fluorescent nucleotides (A, T, G, C) at each position of the consensus. Since fluorescence is not employed in the Oxford Nanopore Sequencing technology that we use here at Plasmidsaurus, we generate this .ab1 file synthetically using the relative abundance of each nucleotide (A, T, G, C) from the raw reads at each position of the consensus sequence. Because this file type was originally used for Sanger sequencing (which is limited to much shorter read lengths than we get with Oxford Nanopore), the file has a maximum size limit and therefore we must often report sequences in multiple pieces.
This file gives a visual representation of polymorphisms and molecular mixtures present in the sample, and putative insertions can be observed more clearly. An ideal high accuracy basecall will have a sharp, distinct peak of a single color indicating a single nucleotide, whereas a low accuracy basecall will have a less defined or mixed (overlapping) peaks.
For linear/PCR samples, "failure" means that your sample did not produce data of sufficient quality and quantity for the pipeline to generate a consensus sequence.
Our low sequencing prices and fast turnaround times do not include extensive QC to determine why your linear/PCR samples failed (or had low coverage). Although we do not provide definitive reasons for failure, by far the most common reasons are:
To achieve optimal sequencing results, please follow our recommended linear/PCR sample prep instructions.
It is relatively rare that we cannot return a consensus sequence, but some rate of failure is unavoidable. You are welcome to submit a rerun request for any failed samples through your Order Info page. We will evaluate whether your sample quality and quantity permits rerunning your sample (we may also ask you to provide a reference sequence). We do still charge for failed samples.
We sequence each sample with Oxford Nanopore long reads to very high depth before generating a consensus/assembly using the latest basecalling and polishing software:
Bacterial DNA samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers or amplification. Please do not ship any primers with your samples or mix primers into your samples.
When you send pre-extracted gDNA, we deliver bacterial genome sequencing results within 1-2 business days of receipt of your samples. When our genomic DNA extraction option is selected, we deliver bacterial genome sequencing results within 3-5 business days of receipt of your samples. When the Hybrid sequencing option is selected, we deliver hybrid results with 6-8 business days (or 8-10 business days if you also include the extraction option).
We require a minimum raw read Qscore of 10 (90% accuracy) during sequencing, although most raw reads are above Q20 (99% accuracy). We are also able to use a higher-accuracy basecalling model on these raw reads than with our Whole Plasmid and Linear/PCR services.
During assembly, we filter the reads for quality as described below. If sufficient coverage to meet our target is obtained, we typically see assembled contigs with ~Q40 (99.99%) accuracy.
We can obtain even higher accuracy in the known error-prone homopolymers and methylated motifs with our Hybrid sequencing option that polishes with Illumina data..
The most common error modes for Oxford Nanopore are deletions in homopolymer stretches (especially if longer than 8 bp), errors at the Dam methylation site GATC, and errors at the middle position of the Dcm methylation site CCTGG or CCAGG. These limitations are expected to improve with future updates to ONT sequencing chemistry and basecalling software. If you know that you need single-nucleotide accuracy in your assembly for these regions, please consider submitting to the Hybrid sequencing option to polish out those errors with Illumina data.
Successful sequencing is defined by achieving at least one of the following deliverables:
If you select the Hybrid sequencing option we target the same amount of ONT data listed above, PLUS an equal amount of Illumina short-read data:
However, our ability to deliver these target outputs is directly dependent on the quantity, quality, and purity of the gDNA that is sent to us. We do not guarantee any specific output.
If you select the Hybrid sequencing option, we deliver the same files listed above for your ONT-only assembly, PLUS we deliver the following additional files:
For the Hybrid service, we do not repeat genome assembly or contig identification after Illumina polishing, as Illumina reads are only used for resolving SNPs and other errors (they are too short to affect contiguity). The contiguity of the assembly is entirely determined by the longer ONT reads, and therefore the quality of your gDNA.
If we are not able to achieve at least one of the target deliverables, then we will repeat sequencing as per our bacterial failure repeat policy.
Even when a high-quality assembly cannot be generated, we still provide the raw data and the report, and you may also still receive some of the other file types.
Although we do not provide definitive reasons on why each specific sample failed (or had low coverage), by far the most common reasons are:
To increase chances of successful sequencing on the first attempt, please adhere closely to our sample prep guidelines and cell pellet guidelines.
If we are not able to achieve at least one of the target deliverables on the 1st sequencing attempt, we will evaluate the results of the initial sequencing attempt to determine whether additional sequencing may produce a more successful outcome, and if so we will repeat the sequencing (with possible protocol adjustments) at no additional charge. We will also combine the data from the two runs together to increase chances of success on the repeat attempt.
If we are not able to achieve at least one of the target deliverables after the 2nd attempt, we will not perform further repeats. We do still charge for failed samples, since we spend more time and resources on them than we do on successes.
If you wish to sequence the sample again, please prepare new samples that meet all the QC requirements before submitting a new sequencing request.
This service is intended for a clonal population (single species) of bacteria. You can send mixtures of different bacterial species for sequencing, but since we can't predict the assembly outcome, it's at your own risk.
The total amount of raw data obtained for your sample will be divided up between however many species are present in your sample, thereby reducing each species’ own genome coverage and possibly inhibiting assembly of particular species in the sample. Re-sequencing mixtures won't change the relative proportions of the species, but you can submit multiple aliquots if you need higher total coverage. Ultimately, which species end up producing an assembly will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each species.
If you require even larger amounts of data for metagenomic applications, please consider submitting instead to your Custom Sequencing Service.
We sequence all molecules in the received sample without primers, so if your extracted bacterial DNA also contains plasmid DNA, then yes you will probably receive some plasmid reads. Most of the sequenced DNA fragments < 3kb are omitted during data processing, but otherwise we do not select against or omit plasmid-sized reads during sequencing or assembly.
The number of raw reads produced by each type of DNA will vary based on their relative abundance and quality. As for assembly outcomes, we do usually see that plasmid contigs are produced along with the gDNA chromosome contig(s) during assembly. However, since this bacterial genome sequencing service is optimized for assembly of the chromosomal genome (not for plasmids), we cannot guarantee that the raw plasmid reads will always yield an assembled plasmid contig. If you do need assemblies for the plasmids, you may need to isolate reads that align to your expected plasmids and assemble them yourself with a different pipeline.
Ultimately, when submitting mixtures, which types of DNA in your sample end up producing an assembled contig will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each type.
Yes, we can provide yeast sequencing & assembly through this service! You can submit your purified yeast gDNA (not preserved or live cells, as we are not currently offering yeast extractions) under the "big bacteria" service, then email us at support@plasmidsaurus.com to let us know your 6-character order ID and expected yeast species. We will manually generate yeast annotations and send them to you via email, and you would want to ignore the default bacterial annotations provided by the pipeline.
Yes, any species can technically be sequenced and assembled with this method, but submitting samples for non-microbial applications is at your own risk since we have not optimized the amount of data required for each specimen type, and our assembly/annotation pipeline is targeted for microbes. Further, you might need to submit multiple aliquots of each sample in order to get enough genome coverage, and you would need to combine the data from all your aliquots prior to running your own assembly pipeline.
When larger amounts of data are needed (more than 1 Gb, and up to several Tb), we can sequence your eukaryotic genomes instead through our Custom Sequencing Service! With our Custom service, we can also:
If this sounds like a good fit for your project, please review all the information provided on the Custom Sequencing Service, then email as with all the details at support@plasmidsaurus.com to set up your custom project!
We sequence each sample with Oxford Nanopore long reads to very high depth before generating a consensus/assembly using the latest basecalling and polishing software:
Yeast DNA samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers or amplification. Please do not ship any primers with your samples or mix primers into your samples.
When you send pre-extracted gDNA, we deliver yeast genome sequencing results within 1-2 business days of receipt of your samples. When our genomic DNA extraction option is selected, we deliver yeast genome sequencing results within 3-5 business days of receipt of your samples.
We require a minimum raw read Qscore of 10 (90% accuracy) during sequencing, although most raw reads are above Q20 (99% accuracy). We are also able to use a higher-accuracy basecalling model on these raw reads than with our Whole Plasmid and Linear/PCR services.
During assembly, we filter the reads for quality as described below. If sufficient coverage to meet our target is obtained, we typically see assembled contigs with ~Q40 (99.99%) accuracy.
The most common error modes for Oxford Nanopore are deletions in homopolymer stretches (especially if longer than 8 bp), errors at the Dam methylation site GATC, and errors at the middle position of the Dcm methylation site CCTGG or CCAGG. These limitations are expected to improve with future updates to ONT sequencing chemistry and basecalling software. If you know that you need single-nucleotide accuracy in your assembly for these regions, please consider submitting to the Hybrid sequencing option to polish out those errors with Illumina data.
Successful sequencing is defined by achieving at least one of the following deliverables:
If we are not able to achieve at least one of the target deliverables, then we will repeat sequencing as per our yeast failure repeat policy.
Even when a high-quality assembly cannot be generated, we still provide the raw data and the report, and you may also still receive some of the other file types.
Although we do not provide definitive reasons on why each specific sample failed (or had low coverage), by far the most common reasons are:
To increase chances of successful sequencing on the first attempt, please adhere closely to our sample prep guidelines and yeast cell pellet guidelines.
If we are not able to achieve at least one of the target deliverables on the 1st sequencing attempt, we will evaluate the results of the initial sequencing attempt and the quality/quantity of your DNA to determine whether additional sequencing may produce a more successful outcome, and if so we will repeat the sequencing (with possible protocol adjustments) at no additional charge. We will also combine the data from the two runs together to increase chances of success on the repeat attempt.
If we are not able to achieve at least one of the target deliverables after the 2nd attempt, we will not perform further repeats. We do still charge for failed samples, since we spend more time and resources on them than we do on successes.
If you wish to sequence the sample again, please prepare new samples that meet all the QC requirements before submitting a new sequencing request.
This service is intended for a clonal population (single species) of yeast. You can send mixtures of different yeast species for sequencing, but since we can't predict the assembly outcome, it's at your own risk.
The total amount of raw data obtained for your sample will be divided up between however many species are present in your sample, thereby reducing each species’ own genome coverage and possibly inhibiting assembly of particular species in the sample. Re-sequencing mixtures won't change the relative proportions of the species, but you can submit multiple aliquots if you need higher total coverage. Ultimately, which species end up producing an assembly will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each species.
If you require even larger amounts of data for metagenomic applications, please consider submitting instead to your Custom Sequencing Service.
We sequence all molecules in the received sample without primers, so if your extracted yeast DNA also contains plasmids or YACs, then yes you will probably receive some raw sequencing reads for those molecules. Most of the sequenced DNA fragments < 3kb are omitted during data processing, but otherwise we do not select against or omit plasmid-sized reads during sequencing or assembly.
The number of raw reads produced by each type of DNA will vary based on their relative abundance and quality. As for assembly outcomes, we do usually see that plasmid or YAC contigs are produced along with the gDNA chromosome contigs during assembly. However, since this yeast genome sequencing service is optimized for assembly of the chromosomal genome (not for plasmids or YACs), we cannot guarantee that these raw plasmid reads will always yield an assembled plasmid or YAC contig. If you do need assemblies for the plasmids or YACs, you may need to isolate raw reads that align to your expected references and assemble them yourself with a different pipeline.
Ultimately, when submitting mixtures, which types of DNA in your sample end up producing an assembled contig will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each type.
Yes, any species can technically be sequenced and assembled with this method, but submitting samples for non-yeast applications is at your own risk since we have not optimized the amount of data required for each specimen type, and our assembly/annotation pipeline is targeted for yeast. Further, you might need to submit multiple aliquots of each sample in order to get enough genome coverage, and you would need to combine the data from all your aliquots prior to running your own assembly pipeline.
When larger amounts of data are needed (e.g. more than 1 Gb per sample), we can sequence your large eukaryotic genomes instead through our Custom Sequencing Service! With our Custom service, we can also:
If this sounds like a good fit for your project, please review all the information provided on the Custom Sequencing Service, then email as with all the details at support@plasmidsaurus.com to set up your custom project!
This service is performed using the newest long-read sequencing technology from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), and includes the following components:
AAV samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers or amplification. Please do not ship any primers with your samples or mix primers into your samples.
In the vast majority of cases, we deliver AAV sequencing results within 3 business days of receipt of your samples.
If your AAV genomes are contained within purified, intact viral capsids (cell-free encapsulated AAV genomes in either ssAAV or scAAV genome configuration), please submit them to this AAV service!
If your AAV genomes are cloned into dsDNA circular plasmids, those can be sequenced through our Whole Plasmid sequencing service instead.
Please contact support@plasmidsaurus.com if you are interested in sequencing pre-extracted AAV DNA rather than the intact capsids that are required for this AAV service.
Yes! We return high-accuracy linear consensus sequences (.fasta) for all detectable AAV genome subspecies (isoforms) that comprise at least 1-5% of the total subspecies. We also provide the .fastq sequences of all raw reads produced by your sample.
As per Oxford Nanopore's specs for the chemistry and flowcells we currently use for AAV sequencing, the consensus accuracy is typically >99.99%. The raw reads from this service are also more accurate than the raw reads from the regular Whole Plasmid sequencing service, with higher per-base confidence.
The most common error modes for Oxford Nanopore are deletions in homopolymer stretches (especially if longer than 8 bp), errors at the Dam methylation site GATC, and errors at the middle position of the Dcm methylation site CCTGG or CCAGG. These limitations are expected to improve with future updates to ONT sequencing chemistry and basecalling software.
For intact viral capsids sent at the required concentration, we typically collect 500-1,000 reads.
Our ability to deliver these target outputs is directly dependent on the quantity, quality, and purity of the viral capsids sent to us, so we do not guarantee results.
For AAV samples, "failure" means that your sample did not produce at least one consensus/assembly.
Our low sequencing prices and fast turnaround times do not include extensive QC to determine why your AAV samples failed (or had low coverage). Although we do not provide definitive reasons for failure, by far the most common reasons are:
For best results, please carefully adhere to our AAV Sample Prep Instructions.
If your AAV sample fails (i.e. we are not able to generate at least one consensus/assembly from your sample), you can contact us at support@plasmidsaurus.com to inquire whether the extracted yield of AAV DNA was sufficient to repeat sequencing. Please note that because we extract your entire AAV sample on the first attempt, AAV samples are typically not eligible for reruns.
We sequence each sample with Oxford Nanopore (ONT) long reads to very high depth before generating a consensus/assembly using the latest basecalling and polishing software:
Eukaryotic DNA samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers or amplification. Please do not ship any primers with your samples or mix primers into your samples.
For pre-extracted gDNA we deliver genome sequencing results within:
When our eukaryotic DNA extraction option is selected, we deliver genome sequencing results within:
Higher data targets have longer sequencing and assembly times.
The Eukaryotic Genome Sequencing service is intended for long-read whole-genome sequencing, assembly, and annotation of genomic DNA from any eukaryotic species with a genome size between 20 Mb and 3.3 Gb, with any ploidy. Eukaryotic species that are ideally suited to this genome assembly service include filamentous fungi, protozoans, nematodes, fruit flies, zebrafish, mouse, and human.
The Eukaryotic Genome Sequencing service offers four different Service Tiers (categories), which allow you to select the target amount of raw reads per sample, measured in Gigabases (Gb) of.fastq data. We do not specify an expected number of reads at these Service Tiers, as this will vary depending on the quantity, quality, and purity of the input gDNA.
The Service Tier recommendations below are based on a target of approximately 30x genome coverage, which is typically sufficient to generate a high-quality de novo genome assembly with annotations. Depending on your application, you can submit your sample to a different service tier than is recommended in order to obtain a different amount of coverage. For example:
We use ONT’s super-accurate basecalling model during the sequencing run. We require a minimum raw read Qscore of 10 (90% accuracy) during sequencing, although most raw reads are above Q20 (99% accuracy).
During assembly, we filter the reads for quality as described below. If sufficient coverage to meet the target is obtained, we typically see assembled contigs with ~Q40 (99.99%) accuracy.
The most common error modes for Oxford Nanopore are deletions in homopolymer stretches (especially if longer than 8 bp), errors at the Dam methylation site GATC, and errors at the middle position of the Dcm methylation site CCTGG or CCAGG. These limitations are expected to improve with future updates to ONT sequencing chemistry and basecalling software.
If your input has low quality, purity, and/or concentration, thus not meeting our Sample Prep Instructions and Cell Prep Instructions, your samples may fail to assemble or produce low coverage. In cases of failure, you will still receive the raw reads that we can obtain, and potentially some of the other file types.
Although we do not provide definitive reasons on why each specific sample failed (or had low coverage), by far the most common reasons are:
To increase chances of successful sequencing on the first attempt, please adhere closely to our Eukaryotic Sample Prep Instructions and Cell Prep Instructions.
At the 1 Gb and 5 Gb Service Tiers, poorly performing samples are often rescued with our rerun procedure.
At the 15 Gb and 50-100 Gb (full flow cell) Service Tiers, poorly performing samples are unlikely to be remedied even with our rerun procedure, so we save you money by stopping the run early.
This service is intended for a clonal population (single species) of eukaryote. You can send mixtures of different eukaryotic species for sequencing, but since we can't predict the assembly outcome, it's at your own risk.
The total amount of raw data obtained for your sample will be divided up between however many species are present in your sample, thereby reducing each species’ own genome coverage and possibly inhibiting assembly of particular species in the sample. Re-sequencing mixtures won't change the relative proportions of the species, but you can submit multiple aliquots if you need higher total coverage. Ultimately, which species end up producing an assembly will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each species.
If you require even larger amounts of data for metagenomic (non-clonal) applications, please consider submitting instead to your Custom Sequencing Service.
We sequence all molecules in the received sample and we do not use any primers, so if your extracted DNA also contains DNA from these extrachromosomal molecules, then yes you will probably also receive some raw sequencing reads for those molecules. Please note that DNA fragments <3kb are depleted from the sample during library prep.
The number of raw reads produced by each type of DNA will vary based on their relative abundance and quality in the sample. When assembling contigs from the total raw reads, we do usually see that extrachromosomal contigs are assembled along with the gDNA chromosome contigs. However, since this service is optimized for assembly of the chromosomal genome (not for extrachromosomal DNA), we cannot guarantee that the raw reads produced will always produce an assembled contig. If you do need assemblies, you may need to isolate raw reads that align to your extrachromosomal reference and assemble those reads with a different pipeline.
Ultimately, when submitting DNA mixtures, which types of DNA end up producing an assembled contig will vary depending on overall sample quality, coverage, and relative abundance/degradation of each type. Please note that single-stranded DNA is unlikely to produce sequencing data.
Yes! Our new eukaryotic extraction service uses a rapid, high-throughput protocol that is ONLY COMPATIBLE with the following list of input types, which do not have a cell wall or abundant connective tissue:
Please note that your input cells must be preserved in Zymo DNA/RNA shield prior to shipping. See further details in our Cell Prep Instructions.
We can accept Zymo DNA/RNA shield-preserved samples from both BSL1 and BSL2 sources of the above input types. We currently do not accept any other input types (e.g. intact tissues/organs from any animal, plants, insects, fungi, primate blood) or preservation methods (e.g. flash freezing, ethanol, desiccation, RNAlater) for this extraction service. If you’d like to sequence these other types of samples, please perform extraction on your end and ship us only the purified gDNA for sequencing.
No, other input types are not supported with this eukaryotic genome service. This service is designed using lab workflows, sequencing conditions, and data analyses that are optimized for eukaryotic gDNA input, using long-read whole genome Oxford Nanopore sequencing.
Some examples of other input types that are not supported with this eukaryotic genome service include:
No, due to the rapid, high-throughput nature of this eukaryotic genome service, we are not able to make adjustments to the service parameters. If you’d like to request any of the following adjustments:
… then please submit your request instead to our Custom Sequencing Service, where as always, we can collect the amount of data you request with the parameters you require!
We hope to offer these eukaryotic genome add-on options in the future.
Yes you can, as both the eukaryotic and yeast assembly services do use the same analysis pipelines. The difference between the two is in how much data you need. For example, for a yeast genome with 20 Mb size:
You could, as the sequencing method will still technically work, but our workflows will not be optimized for bacteria and may fail. We recommend that you submit to the Bacterial Genome Sequencing Service instead!
Our recommended data targets are based on ~30x coverage of the haploid genome size. The assembly pipeline will return a single haplotype sequence for each contig. For diploids and polyploids, it is possible that the haplotype will be collapsed into a single consensus assembly. The assembly results will not be haplotype-phased.
With higher levels of ploidy or heterozygosity in your species, you may need additional coverage (e.g 60-100x or higher) to obtain high-quality assembly results. Please note that you would need to assemble the raw reads on your end to obtain haplotype-phased results.
Yes, with our Custom Sequencing Service we can provide full-length sequencing of ANY linear or circular DNA, for any double-stranded DNA molecules between 100 bp and 300 kb in length! Custom Sequencing allows us to collect the specific amount of data you need in order to achieve your experimental objectives, and we are also able to use a higher-accuracy basecalling model than with our other regular services. Custom Sequencing is ideal for expected mixtures of molecular species (such as barcode or variant libraries) or eukaryotic genomes that require large amounts of data.
Single-stranded DNA is not currently a supported application for custom sequencing service. Some customers do send ssDNA to this service, but the results are highly variable and we cannot guarantee success; if you opt to submit ssDNA, please be aware this would be at your own risk, and please let us know during order set-up.
Ready to get started? Email us at support@plasmidsaurus.com to provide all your sample details and set up your custom project.
We sequence each sample with Oxford Nanopore long reads to collect the amount of data that you specifically request:
Custom sequencing samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers or amplification. Please do not ship any primers with your samples or mix primers into your samples.
In the vast majority of cases, we deliver custom sequencing results within 3-5 business days of receipt of your samples. Projects that require very large amounts of data may take longer, due to more instrument time needed for data collection and processing. Optionally adding DNA extraction, Illumina services, or bioinformatics will also extend turnaround times accordingly.
For most custom projects, we deliver only the raw reads in .fastq.gz format. Any analyses (demultiplexing customer’s internal barcodes, generating consensus, binning or aligning variants, etc.) must typically be performed by the researcher, unless we specifically agree to perform analysis during project set-up.
We will collect the specific amount of data that you request during project set-up. If your samples do not meet all of our QC requirements, this will reduce our ability to achieve the data target, but we may still need to charge you for the work performed.
We require a minimum raw read Qscore of 10 (90% accuracy) during sequencing, although most raw reads are above Q20 (99% accuracy). We are also able to use a higher-accuracy basecalling model than with our Whole Plasmid and Linear/PCR services.
Since we typically do not perform any further analysis of the raw reads for custom sequencing, the final accuracy of your own analysis will depend on your analysis pipeline and quality filtering.
Glad you asked! Email us at support@plasmidsaurus.com to provide all your sample details and set up your custom project.
The cost for each custom sequencing project starts at $500 for up to 1 Gb of total raw data, then adds $50 for each additional 1 Gb. If you submit more than 1 sample in a project and they need to be multiplexed, we add a $50 per-sample barcoding surcharge. We calculate your project price as follows and will send you a price estimate (and custom quote if you need it) when you email us to discuss your project:
Project Cost = $500 base price for 1st Gb data + $50 for each extra Gb data + $50 for barcoding each sample
Total Data Required = Number of samples x Insert length x Number of variants (barcodes, mutants, etc.) x Coverage required per variant
Total Data Required = Number of samples x Expected genome size x Coverage required per genome
If you need an official quote, just ask us for one during order set-up.