Custom Sequencing

Description of Service

The custom sequencing service is intended for the full-length sequencing of ANY double-stranded linear or circular DNA, between 100 bp and 300 kb in length. Custom projects allow us to collect the specific amount of data you need in order to achieve your experimental objectives, and we are also able to use a higher-accuracy basecalling model than with our other regular services. This Custom service is ideal for sequencing expected mixtures of molecular species (such as barcode or variant libraries) or eukaryotic genomes that require large amounts of data.

In the vast majority of cases, we deliver custom sequencing results within 3-5 business days of receipt of your samples.

This service is performed using the newest long-read sequencing technology from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), and includes the following components:

The cost for each custom sequencing project starts at $500 for up to 1 Gb of total raw data, then adds $50 for each additional 1 Gb. If you submit more than 1 sample in a project and they need to be multiplexed, we add a $50 per-sample barcoding surcharge. We calculate your project price as follows and will send you a price estimate (and custom quote if you need it) when you email us to discuss your project:

Project Cost = $500 base price for 1st Gb data + $50 for each extra Gb data + $50 for barcoding each sample

Total Data Required = Number of samples x Insert length x Number of variants (barcodes, mutants, etc.) x Coverage required per variant

Total Data Required = Number of samples x Expected genome size x Coverage required per genome

We fluorometrically quantify your input DNA and multiplex the samples in equimolar ratio for sequencing. Due to variation in sample quality and other stochastic factors, the samples may still produce slightly different amounts of data. Every custom project does include a free increase to the project data target to account for some expected variability, but lower quality samples may still fail to achieve the target. Therefore, the data target should be interpreted as an average per-sample target of basecalled data, where some samples may end up higher and others may end up lower.

If your project requires that all samples achieve a minimum data target (and you cannot accept any samples at only 75-99% of the average target), please let us know during project set-up and we will increase the data target such that obtaining 75% of the average target would still meet your minimum requirement. You will be charged according to this increased target.

Need a special multiplexing ratio? Our default protocol is to multiplex your samples in equimolar ratio, but you can also request different amounts of data for each sample during project set-up! Each sample will be considered successful if it produces at least 75% of its own target.

Ready to get started? Email us at to provide your sample details and set up your custom project.

Data & File Types Delivered

In most cases, we deliver only the raw .fastq reads for custom projects. Any analyses (demultiplexing customer’s internal barcodes, generating consensus, binning or aligning variants, etc.) must typically be performed by the researcher.

Preparing Your Custom Samples

Custom sequencing samples are sequenced WITHOUT primers, so please DO NOT ship any primers with your samples or mixed into your samples.

Our low sequencing prices and fast turnaround times do not include DNA extraction or quality control (QC) services, so please verify with full QC that your samples meet the following requirements prior to shipping:

Submit your DNA normalized to the specific concentration and minimum volume that we provide to you when discussing your project. Quantification assay MUST be performed with Qubit or equivalent fluorometric method (such as a plate reader).
IMPORTANT: Do not use Nanodrop for quantification - spectrophotometric methods are NOT reliable for quantification!

We require double-stranded DNA molecules for the custom service. Size verification should be performed on full-length molecules (NOT digested or partially amplified molecules) via gel electrophoresis; use a linear ladder for linear DNA, and a supercoiled ladder for circular DNA; if expecting molecules longer than 10-15 kb in length, we strongly recommend using pulsed-field electrophoresis with a high molecular weight DNA ladder.

We recommend gDNA samples with 260/280 above 1.8 and 260/230 between 2.0-2.2. Purity assay may be performed with Nanodrop or other spectrophotometric methods.
IMPORTANT: Do not refer to the DNA concentration reported by Nanodrop as a substitute for the above required fluorometric quantification!
  • Must not contain RNA; we strongly recommend RNase treatment during extraction
  • Must not contain denaturants (guanidinium salts, phenol, etc.) or detergents (SDS, Triton-X100, etc.)
  • Must not contain residual contaminants from the organism/tissue (heme, humic acid, polyphenols, etc.)
  • Must not contain insoluble material or be colored or cloudy

Interpreting Your Results

Please refer to our Results Interpretation Guide for details.